Full text: General reports (Part 2)

5.0 The coordinate transformations and error calculations were performed by the Central Office of the 
Swedish Land Survey with the aid of the automatic electronic digital computers BESK and Facit EDB. 
The programming work was excecuted by Sture Laryd, B. A., Stockholm. 
Abbreviations: | 
X, Y, Z, LA+B,;  La-p - geodetic coordinates and distances. La+p — distances within the two models | 
A and B but with both endpoints within the same model. L, jg = distances within the two models A 
and B but with their endpoints within different models. Sixty distances were systematically chosen for 
each of the sets Ly; and L4. p. 
x, V, Z, la+n, lap the corresponding photogrammetric coordinates and distances. 
5.1 The original geodetic coordinates X, Y were transformed according to Helmert to a new geodetic system 
with the same scale as the old one but with origin roughly in the centre of model A and the X-direction 
The test-field Monti di Revoira 
Strip I 
« Model B i : wi... B + AA’ 
2 ua nent | 
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. + . . | 
. . 3 
/ / . \ For e 
/ / \ ve. values 
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+ 31} \ | 54 T 
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EAE Meus see —— — | — o—— — a f NT 
dm € — —MÁ — M — I uncl 
— — — model limit et, — ———— sii nn} 
; v . The I 
® pass-points Scale Fig. 1. 
: 0 00 200 30 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 meter o lance 
. check - points 0 00 00 300 4 500 600 700 800 900 00 yards 
OUT ni patin / ; T: The r 
roughly coinciding with the flight direction (two translations and one rotation). The passpoints and check- : 
: vere 
points were plotted in the enclosed three maps (Fig. 1—3) together with the coordinate-axes of the trans- 
formed geodetic system and the model lines. 
5.2 The photogrammetric coordinates of the passpoints and checkpoints were transformed according to 
: ie ; pe ; ; ; ! 6.0 T 
Helmert to the new geodetic system (5.1). At the same time the differences (X—x), (Y—y), (Z—z), (LA+B 01 
—la+p) (La-p—la-p) were calculated. They will here be called the total errors, including constant Constt 
; Hn ; ; mode 
errors, (other) systematic errors and random errors. The total errors were visualized on the enclosed three ; 
^T » ) 
graphs (Fig. 4—6). photo 

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