Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Table III 
Systematic map checking 
Is scribing used: 
in the field for: Are special aerial 
Country | planimetric film emulsions on-the | in the 
completeness | and vertical used in mapping? plotters| final 
| accuracy drawing 
Belgium field identifi- vertical no no yes 
cation before only 
pe EG ON A S dC a es pe 
England nol A i g um 7 i nd lk 3 no yes 
) ———R UY j ind Bop 
| g Rt £ À i "d aea m m i su — 
France yes (for 1:20, 000 maps; infrared, no no 
field identification before occasionally 
plotting for smaller scales color emulsions 
West field identifi- yes no partly | partly 
Germany cation before 
Netherlands yes office no no yes 
India yes yes no no no 
Israel yes yes no is being yes 
Italy field identifi- yes no ‘no | yes 
cation before | 
Norway yes yes no no yes 
Switzerland - - no no no 
South Africa yes yes no no no 
U.S.A. field or office checking - = - 

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