In the 2412 2413 2414
Distances | camera | meas. error per meas. error per meas. error per
mm mm mm 1000 mm mm 1000 mm mm 1000
AB (long.) | 164.004 3.719 | —0.285 — 1.7 3.717 — 0.287 —1.8 3.773 —0.231 —1.4
CD (long.) | 164.006 3.674 | —0.332 — 2.0 3.653 | —0.353 —2.1 3.761 — 0.245 —1.5
BC (later.) | 163.998 3.720 | —0.278 —1.7 3.693 | —0.305 —1.9 3.808 —0.190 —1.2
DA (later.) | 163.991 3.712 | —0.279 —1.7 3.709 | —0.282 —1.7 3.787 — 0.204 —1.3
AC (diag.) | 231.907 1.546 — 0.361 —1.6 1.541 — 0.366 — 1.6 1.668 — 0.239 —1.0
BD (diag.) | 231.956 1.488 — 0.468 — 2.0 1.450 | —0.506 2.2 1.590 — 0.366 — 1.6
Obviously there are considerable dimensional changes of the film, mainly of a regular nature, but
some affine deformations have also occurred. The projector constant must be properly corrected in
the plotting. Otherwise the models will become deformed (different scales in planimetry and elevation
respectively). Since the base is usually determined from control points in planimetry the elevation
differences will become affected by errors. In the elevation control points these errors will be compen-
sated by the elements of the absolute orientation (in the actual case mainly by the rotations o, and
©). Under these conditions discrepancies will occur particularly in the y-coordinates and in the
elevations. Such discrepancies will not necessarily be related to discrepancies in the y-parallaxes.
Consequently, owing to the circumstances mentioned the mean square values of the discrepancies in
the y-direction (in the models) and in elevation from the practical tests may be considerably larger
than the theoretically derived values with respect to the y-parallaxes.
Finally, the indications of affine deformation of the film would require that the transformation
from the model to the ground coordinate system in planimetry was performed with two different
enlargement factors, i.e. with an affine transformation.
Sub-Commassion IV :3.
Diapositive 3248-3.
H^. qs ; ; Given distance Measured distance Error per 1000
Longitudinal direction:
mm mm mm
211.97 211.42 — 0.55 —2.6
211.96 211.46 — 0.50 —2.4
Lateral direction:
212.00 211.53 —0.47 — 2.2
212.00 211.53 = 0.47 — 2.2
Diapositive 3248-4.
Longitudinal direction:
211.97 211.56 — 0.41 —1.9
211.96 211.55 —0.41 —1.9
Lateral direction:
212.00 211.82 — 0.18 — 0.9
212.00 211.75 — 0.25 —1.2
There are obviously considerable shrinkages, and in the diapositive 3284-4 affine deformations also.
The corresponding y-parallaxes will be compensated in the orientation points by the elements of the
relative orientation but the model will become deformed. In such cases two enlargement factors
should be used in connection with the coordinate transformation to the ground in order to adjust
the affinity.