Full text: General reports (Part 2)

1.16 Summary of the results of the solutions of the normal equations. 
Base zero (errors of the elements of orientation). 
thirteen points five points 
ds [dx] + | 13h“ + 150 b^ do [dx] 4 eh t 42% do 
Oo I3 T3 Sh 5 5 TI 
: -ldy] (138° + 150 b^ do -ldyl , Q^ aa^, do 
Yo T3 us 000 TR. i —9 7707 7 
h N, nm 
dz, LEW TEE 
N N, 
dk 2 5 
300b 8a 
13N, + 150[dx] d 
26250 kb 24 a 
13N, - 150 [dy] SN 4 [dy] 
do ( 7 ) h (————— ) h 
26250 b 24a 
where N,NjN N, are defined in the expressions 19, 20, 21 and 22. 
N z- dx nido rx, dad 1er dY2 +dy, Hy, 
N uus mu dame Mans WE Maui ^ Mau ^ arf 
N nn an a Yin Yan Yan an 
Na = dx, 2n 43547 dx4 TOY +dy, +dy, Yan 
n takes the values 1,2,3,4,5 depending on radius. 
o| 5 
a - nig h ni depending on radius takes the values 
1,2, 3,4,5. 
g = the x-coordinate for point 11 in the grid.

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