Full text: General reports (Part 2)

base in/out (errors of the elements of orientation) ) 
eight points four points 
1400|dx] £152 N, 1039h% +4100b° di SEN, Hn4.25* de 
dx, 8312 "egg E II typ) =i 
; af 
-1400[dy]+ 152 N, 1039h^4175005* i SN, Hh 65^ à 
dy 8312 td I039 = IT FE 
75 N,719 N NI UIS 
O "FR FOOD ii OS ach 
100N,* 475[dy] * 19N ZN, pidyii N, 
= 2 TON, 4 4 
81755 5z 
1039N,+4100[dx] F 2375N LIN, + ldx] |. 5-N 
3 1 4 4 
de | : )h ( : ) 
512500 b ba 
1039N,-17500{dy]+ 1900N IN S c eldyir2N, 
4 2 4 4 
dw ( 2 )h ( Z ) h 
847500 b 10a 
The upper signs refer to the left projector, base in - right projector, base out 
the lower signs refer to the left projector, base out - right projector, base in. 
N, N, N, N, are defined in the expressims25, 26, 27 and 28. 
1°°2 3 4 
N, = ei dx + dx - dy, 
N, = + dx = dx, + dy, 
N = - dx 
34 n 
Na = + dy dy, 
For the signs, see above. Concerning n, m and v the combinations shall be 
used as indicated in the columns below 
nc 562 63 64 65 66 
m 71 81 91 101 111 
V 51 41 31 21 11 

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