Full text: General reports (Part 2)

az nig = where n, takes the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 depending on radius. 
g = the y-coordinate for point 51 in the grid. 
1.2 A complete example of a projector test. 
In the tables below the complete procedure for a projector test, base zero, 
is demonstrated. 
Table 1 Form for the determination of the original coordinate errors 
(discrepancies) from measured and given data (x- and y-coordi- 
Table 2 Form for the computation and graphical demonstration of the 
radial distortion. 
Table 3 Form for the computation of the corrections to the six elements 
of orientation and of the standard error of unit weight of the 
image coordinate measurements. Combination of thirteen points. 
Radius of the circle 200 mm. 
Table 4 Form for the computation of the corrections to the six elements 
of orientation and of the standard error of unit weight of the 
image coordinate measurements. Combination of five points. 
Radius of the circle 200 V2 mm. 
Table 5 Results of the computations in a high speed electronic computer 
(Facit EDB). The following data are demonstrated: radial 
distortion (for different radii in the projection plane, image plane 
and for c=150 mm ), standard error of unit weight of the coordinate 
measurements ior different radii (in the projection plane) and 
corrections to the six elements of orientation. 
Table 6 Results of the computations in Facit EDB. Residual corrections 
to the coordinates in the projection plane, image plane and for 
c=150 mm. 
Mmi irte Vires 
RN mte eom 
Sabin Shalini dish 

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