Full text: General reports (Part 2)

2.5 Formulas for the computation of the standard error of unit weight of 
y-parallax measurements from observations in fifteen and nine regu- 
larly located points. Moderate elevation differences (in principle flat 
The square sum [vv] 15 of the residuals in all fifteen points (see fig. 3 in 
the report) after an adjustment of the relative orientation according to 
the method of the least squares is 
S 4 22 1 2 
[vv] i5 7 T2(-2P45* 2Pg5*P,,- P91* P1g- Pgg) + 5 leu: Poy- 2P51) + 
2 2 2 
* (P15* Pos- 2P55) * (P19* Pgo- 2P59) + (P15* P93- 2p54)^ * 
2] 79 4 
* (P17* Po7- 2P5;) | + 2106-P11t 4P13- ÉP15t 4P17- P19- P51 + 
| 2 
* 4P53- 6P55* 4P57- P59- Pg1* 4Pg3- 6Pg5t 4Pgq- Pog)” + 
+ 50(2P,1- 3P13+ 2P15- 3P17+ 2P19- ZPO1* 3P93- 2Pas* 
+ 3Pg7- 2P99) + 3p(P,1- 2P13+ 2P17- Pjot Psi- 2Ps3t 2P57- 
" P5g* P917 2Pg3t 2Pgq- Pog) * zg (P,1- 2P15* 2P17- Pj9- Po1t 
t2 2 + j^ 
The standard error of unit weight is then found from the expression 
8015. "771077 
The standard error of the standard error of unit weight is about 0.22 5015" 
The confidence limits are 
for the confidence level 5 per cent: 0.7 $9015 1,8 $015 
n " n H 1 per cent: 0.6 5015 - 2.2 5015 
The square sum [vv] of the residuals in nine orientation points can be 
found from the four first terms of the expression above for [vv] 15° 

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