Full text: General reports (Part 2)

2.8 Formulas for numerical determination of residual y-parallaxes 
after the adjustment of the relative orientation. Moderate elevation 
The residual y-parallaxes Py before the adjustment are assumed to be 
measured in arbitrary points (x, y) and in the six orientation points 11, 91, 
15, 95, 19 and 99, from which the corrections to the preliminary elements 
of the relative orientation are computed. 
The residual y-parallaxes By after the adjustment can for an arbitrary 
point (x, y) be determined ^" from the expression 
e 1 x 
Py RT (4P15* 2P95* P1,- Pg1* P19- P99) * s (-P15* Pgs- P1,* 
xy Y 
: Sos P19* Pog) - 76a CP 1* P91* P19- P9) - 2a (P1;- P19)* 
he (-2py5- 2Pg5* P11* Pg * P gt Pg) - Py 
Similar expressions can be derived for other combinations of the orienta- 
tion points. For the computations convenient forms can be used. 

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