Full text: General reports (Part 2)

opem ee tmt 
WT ——— ÁÁ— —£ÁÓ 
m TUE 
RE a 
veste ey — MÀ 
uh 2 zZ (2-5) 4 (53^ XD 12 y? 
Sy = € 55 T + " 7 + o MEIN dio Î T + 
3b 8b d b 2 hd 
4 2 
+ 53 i E iv. + a 1 (x-b) + x-b lo + 
b 2 4d 2 b 2 bd 
2 x* Y d 
tsp + -=+1) 
ONDE Doa ah 
s^ 2 2 272 2 E 
- 0 x^ (x-b) 3x y 3x y x 
s = 5—5 + T + + y ne + — 
bc b"d 4d 2b 2d hb. 2 
In these expressions the following notations are used. 
Sr e standard error of unit weight of y-parallax measurements on 
the scale of the photographs 
Sy = standard error of unit weight of image coordinate measurements 
h = the flying altitude 
¢ =the camera constant (the calibrated focal length) 
b - the base (15 - 95) 
d = the lateral distance (15 - 11) 
x and y = the image coordinates of the actual point. 
For wide angle photographs with normal overlap (60%) and s, = s we find 
0 0 
the following mean values for the neat model area 
A h 
M. 1.52 sg 
M =1si, 
y c "0 
M =2 1 75g 
= is the scale factor. 
3.12 Five control points in planimetry and elevation, located in the corners 
and in the center of the model. 
. ab. dx} 23^. b , te 2 | e ue x(x-b)^  xbd^ j 
x © 0 2 b. 3b^ as 2 UE 
ET b b^44d 
l6b^d^-p4 ] 4.1 bd , xlx-b) 
tpi 7 ty + 
40(b“+4d") b'd b^44d^ > bl 
X(x-b)^ 5.. xbd^ : 16b*a* p SO dx SERRE +964" 
773 ry + Zz een 
b b“+4d“  40(b Zn 20(b^44d^) 

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