Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Auf dem VIII.Internationalen Kongreß für Photogrammetrie in 
Stockholm 1956 wurden für Kommission VI folgende Resolutionen, die nun 
im Originalwortlaut wiedergegeben werden, angenommens 
Since the polyglot dictionary is ready to be published, the Austrian 
Society of Photogrammetry is requested to start distribution on the 
conditions mentioned in the subscription pamphlet. 
The Board of Commission VI is requested to charge the International 
Training Centre for Aerial Survey (I.T.C.) at Delft with the estab- 
lishing of a bibliography of photogrammetry in cooperation with the 
national societies. The bibliography will be organised in accordance 
with the rules set forward by the new Board of Commission VI. 
The publication of each title and résumé will be either in English, 
French or German. 
Commission VI of the Internatinnal Society of Photogrammetry shall 
encourage and assist schools and universities offering photogrammetric 
education to increase the proportion of basic sciencies, mathematics 
and electronic engineering in their curricula so that photogrammetrists 
of the future may be better equipped to develop new methods for 
increasing the speed and accuracy of mapping procedures. 
Ein Fragebogen, der die Fachgebiete: Schulung und Unterricht, 
Bibliographie, Terminologie und Geschichte umfaßte, wurde an die im 
folgenden angeführten Berichterstatter versandt: 
Ägypten Mr,A.M.WASSEF Survey of Egypt, Giza 
Belgien M. BAETSLE 149, Boulevard Brand-Whi tlock, 
Burma BURMA 460, Merchant Street, 
Deutschland Prof,R.BURKHARDT Institut f.Photogrammetrie, 
Technische Universität, 
Hardenbergstraße 35 
Ing.H.MELCHERS Gustav Adolf Allee 10 
Frankfurt/Main - Sindlingen 
Finnland Dr, R. S, HALONEN Obsasenkatu 4a A, 

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