Faculty of Science, Teheran University (geologists)
Faculty of Engineering, Teheran University (Civil and
Mining Engineers)
Agricultural University, Karadj
Institute of Technology, Teheran (Civil engineering
National Cartographic Centre of Iran
(Topographic Engineers and Topographic Technicians)
Cadastral Survey (Cadastral Surveyors)
Polytechnikum in Mailand
Universität, Rom
Militärgeographisches Institut, Florenz
Ente Italiano di Rilevamenti Aerofotogrammetrici, Florenz
Technische Hochschule, Wien
Technische Hochschule, Graz
Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen Wien
Warsaw Institute of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Academy of Mining and Metallurgy
Faculty of Mining Geodesy, Krakow
Warsaw University
Faculty of Geography
High School of Agriculture
Faculty of Forestry Engineering, Warszawa
Institute for Geodesy and Cartography, Warszawa
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Higher Forest School
Geographical Survey Office
Land Survey Board
Hydrographic Department
Board of Forestry Photogrammetry
University of Cape Town
University of Natal
University of Pretoria
University of the Witwatersrand
In tabellarischer Übersicht :
A = Universities und Colleges
B = Technical Schools
C = Institutes