Full text: General reports (Part 2)

terms used in forest photo interpretation. 
Suggestions in this field by any person inter- 
ested will be gratefully received by party 
members mentioned above. 
Aldrich, R. C., Bailey, W. F., and Heller, R. C., 
"Large-scale 70-mm Aerial Color Photography 
Useful in Forest Insect Damage Appraisals," 
1958. Manuscript to be submitted to PHOTO- 
Aldrich, R. C., Heller, R. C., and Bailey, W. F., 
"Observation Limits for Aerial Sketch-mapping 
Southern Pine Beetle Damage in the Southern 
Appalachians.” J. For., 56, 1958, p. 200—202, 
Allison, G. W., Breadon, R. E., ‘Provisional Aerial 
Photo Stand Volume Tables for Interior British 
Columbia." For. Chron., 34(1), 1958, pp. 77-83, 
1 ref. 
Andersen, H. E., “Use of Twin Low-oblique Aerial 
Photographs for Forest Inventories in Southern 
22(5) 1956, p. 930-934, 7 refs. 
Apostolov, Ju. S., ''Vertolety Nad Lesom." i 
copters over the Forest") Lesn. Prom., 1957(5), 
14. (Russ.) 
Arvidson, B., “‘Flygbilden i Smäskogsbrukets 
Drivinings- Och Transportan-lâggning.” (Air 
Photos for Planning of Logging and Transport 
in the Small-Scale forestry)." Norrlands Skogs- 
värdsforbunds Tidskrift, häfte 3, 1957. 
Aung Myint, A. “The Use of Aerial Survey in Man- 
aging Burma Forests." Burmese For., 6(2), 1957, 
p. 180-187, 1 plate, 8 refs. 
Avery, G., “Composite Aerial Volume Table for 
Southern Pines and Hardwoods. J. For., 56(10), 
1958, p. 741—745, 2 refs. 
Avery, G., Myhre, D., ''Compositive Aerial Vol- 
ume Table for Southern Arkansas 1959.” 
Station Occasional Paper now in review draft. 
Avery, G., ''Helicopter Stereo-photography of 
24, 1958, p. 617—624, illus. 
Avery, G. 'Photographing Forests from Helicop- 
ters." J. For., 57(5), 1959, p. 339-342, 6 refs. 
Avery, G. “Slotted Clip Board for Viewing Aerial 
Plots.” Minn. For. Note, No. 63, 1958, p. 2. 
Bailey, W. F., “An Oblique Strip Viewer for Aerial 
Sampling in Forest Insect Surveys.” USDA, 
F1L, Beltsville, Md., 1958, 3 pp., illus. 
Baumann, H., ''Forstliche Luftbild Interpreta- 
tion." ("Interpretation of Aerial Photographs in 
Forestry"): 1957, 109 pp., Edited by Forst 
Direktion South Wurtenberg, Tübingen-Beben- 
hausen (West Germany). 
Becking, R. W., “Forestry Application of Aerial 
Color Photography.” PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGI- 
NEERING, Vol. 25, 3, June, 1959. 
Belov, S. V., Arcybasev, E. S. Izucenie otraZatel- 
'noj sposobnosti drevesnyl porod. (An investiga- 
tion of the reflecti ity of the foliage of tree spe- 
cies). Bot. Z. 42(4), 1957, p. 517—534, 15 refs. 
Bernstein, D. A., “Does Magnification Improve 
Measurements of Stand Heights on Aerial Pho- 
tographs?" For. Chron., 34(4), 1958, p. 435-437, 
7 refs. 
Blacke, W. Jr., "Vegetation and Physiography in 
the Goose Bay Area, Labrador; Thesis Presented 
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the 
Degree of Master of Science." McGill Univer- 
sity 1953. 
Boon, D. A., "Aerial Photography in Forestry in 
Southeast Asia. Presented in January 1960 
ECAFE Seminar at Bangkog." PHOTOGRAM- 
Boon, D. A., “Bericht Uber die Resultate einer 
Holzvorrats-Inventur im Kobernausser-Statts- 
forst (Österreich) mit Hilfe der Luftbilder 
1958. (Results of a Forest Inventory by Aerial 
Photographs in Austria). Unpublished report.” 
Boon, D. A., “Results of Forest Type Mapping in 
Switzerland." To be published in 1960. 
Braun, R., “Eine Laufende Forstinventur in 
Osterreich. (A Long-Term Forest Inventory 
Project in Austria.) Osterreichische Vierteljahres- 
schrift fur Forstwesen, 98, No. 2, 1957, p. 76-103. 
Burger, D., “Identification of Forest Soils on Aerial 
Photographs." For. Chron., 33(1), p. 54-60, 
Cahusac, A. B., “Forest Mapping from Aerial 
Photographs in Uganda." Uganda Forest De- 
partment, Entebbe 1957, p. 5 (Seventh British 
Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Australia 
and New Zealand 1957). 
Carnahan, C. E., “Photogrammetry and Road 
Location in the U.S. Forest Service." Pnoro- 
GRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING, 23, No. 3, June 1958. 
Collins, J. R., ‘A Check on the Accuracy of Tree 
Heights Taken from Aerial Photographs.” 
For. Chron., 33(2), 1957, p. 168-169. 
Cousens, J. E., “The Sampling of Regenerated 
Forest in Malaya: Some Preliminary Results 
from the Pilot Sampling Scheme in Perak State.” 
Federal Forest Administration, Kuala Lumpur 
1957, p. 22, 12 refs. (Seventh British Common- 
wealth Forestry Conference, Australia and New 
Zealand 1957). 
Dawkins, H. C., “Some Results of Stratified Ran- 
dom Sampling of Tropical High-Forest." Uganda 
Forest Department, Entebbe 1957, p. 12, 11 refs. 
(Seventh British Commonwealth Forestry Con- 
ference, Australia and New Zealand 1957). 
Dillewijn, F. J. *van, Sleutel voor de Interpretatie 
van Begroeiingsvormen uit Luchtfoto's 
1:40.000 van het Noordelijk Deel van Suriname. 
(Key for the Interpretation of Vegetation Types 
on Aerial Photographs of Northern Surinam, 
Scale 1:40.000) Dienst’s Landsbosbeheer Suri- 
name, Paramaribo 1957, p. 45, 9 refs. 
Dmitriev, J. D., O To&nosti Lesnych Planov.” 
(Accuracy of Forest Maps). Geod. i Kartogr., No. 
12, 1957, p. 51—54, 1 ref. 
Douglas, M., Drummond, R. N., “Air Photo Inter- 
pretation of Glacial and Physiographic Features 
of Quebec and Labrador.” Geographical Bull., 
5, 1954, p. 9-16. 
“Does Magnification Improve Measurements of 
Stand Heights on Aerial Photographs?" For. 
Chron., 34(4) p. 435—437, 1958. 
Drummond, R. N., “A Traverse of the Romaine 
River; Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment 
of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of 
Science." McGill University 1950. 
cule, H. W., ““Stereophotogrammetrische Messun- 
gen am Einzelbaum mit Hilfe Einfachster Auf- 
nahmegeriite.”” (Photogrammetric measurements 
on a Single Tree with the Most Simple Instru- 
cule, H. W., “Verfahren zur Baumkronen Messun- 
gen und Beziehungen zwischen Kronengrosse, 
Stammstarke und Zuwachs bei Rotbuche, darge- 
stellt an einer Nordwestdeutschen Durch- 

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