i A arn
The soil survey of Illinois is conducted from a base on the University of
Illinois campus. The needs of the soil survey are adequately met by U. 5S.
Department of Agriculture photography at scales of 1:15,840 and 1:20,000, and
soil survey teams make extensive use of this aerial photography. Research
related to soil surveys is conducted by the Department of Agronomy and is a
continuing effort which has proved quite productive, although seldom dramatic.
When agricultural soil reports are not available, strip maps of surficial
soils along actual and proposed highway rights of way are prepared by members
of the Civil Engineering Department of the University working in cooperation
with the Illinois Division of Highways. The maps which are now being
furnished to the Division are prepared to the scale of about 1 in. = 800 ft.
directly on an aerial photographic background. The soil types are identi-
fied through general information available in soil association maps, in maps
of surface geology, and by detailed inspection of vertical aerial photographs.
The Soil Exploration and Mapping project was first activated in July 1951 and
work involving airphoto interpretation has been carried on since that time,
Preliminary work involving the application of airphoto interpretation tech-
niques to the identification of soils for civil engineering purposes dates
back to 1948.
From its inception in 1958, the Committee on Aerial Photography has
worked towards a coordinated aerial photography program in the several depart-
ments of the University. The committee is seeking an effective and balanced
program of teaching and research, and believes that such a program can be
stimulated by interdepartmental participation. Since the aerial photograph
integrates many academic disciplines, the University of Illinois hopes to
integrate utilization of the aerial photograph.
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