Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

International Society for Photogrammetry 
I Definitions and Objects 
Name and aims I, The International Society of Photogrammetry (hereinafter referred to as the Society) 
is à non-governmental international Organization, devoted to the development of 
international co-operation for the advancement of Photogrammetry and its 
Character 2. The Society pursues its aims without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, 
nationality, or political philosophy. It subscribes in particular to the declaration 
adopted in 1958 by the 8th General Assembly of the International Council of Scientific 
Unions concerning political non-discrimination. 
Means 3. To achieve these aims, the Society shall: 
Congress a hold international Congresses at regular intervals, with lectures, communica- 
tions, discussions, exhibitions and visits; 
Scientific work b initiate and co-ordinate research in the field of Photogrammetry, and develop 
its application by creating Commissions and international Working Groups 
concerned more particularly with one of the aspects of Photogrammetry; 
“International c ensure the wide international circulation of the records of discussions and the 
Archives results of research by the publication of the “International Archives of Photo- 
of Photogrammetry "' grammetry’’, which shall form the record of Congresses and other meetings that 
the Society or its subordinate bodies (Technical Commissions, Working Groups, 
etc.) organize in accordance with the Society’s policy defined by the General 
Official publications d publish and circulate an international Review which shall be the official organ 
of the Society or request specialized Reviews to publish its communications; 
National Societies e stimulate the formation of a National Society of Photogrammetry in each 
country and promote exchanges between such Societies; 
Scientific publications f encourage the publication and exchange of scientific papers and journals dealing 
with Photogrammetry. 
Further The Society may do all other things incidental or conducive to the Society's aims, 
provided such acts do not contravene the Statutes or the Bye-Laws of the Society, or 
the laws of the country in which they are done, or the general principles to which the 
Society subscribes. 
Membership — 4. A country in which activity in Photogrammetry exists may apply to join the Society. 
A country joining the Society shall do so through a single Member Organization. This 
Member Organization shall be the Member of the Society and shall be responsible to 
the Society for the proper discharge of all the duties of membership including 
specifically those of: 
- representing the whole community of Photogrammetrists of the country, 
- paying the dues of membership, 
- participating in the scientific work of the Society. 

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