Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

Council of I.S.P. Conseil de la S.I.P. Vorstand der I.G.P. 
Elected for 1968-72 
Elu pour 1968-72 
Gewählt für 1968-72 
(Statutes 1968) 
Prof. Dott. L. Solaini, Milan (Italy) 
Director of Congress 1972 
S.G. Gamble, Director, Ottawa (Canada) 
First Vice-President: 
Prof. Dr. W. Bachmann, Lausanne (Switzerland) 
Second Vice-President: 
Ing. L. Skládal, Prague (Czechoslovakia) 
G.C. Tewinkel, Rockville (USA) 
Prof. Dr. R.S. Halonen, Otaniemi (Finland) 
Flected for 1972-76 
Elu pour 1972-76 
Gewählt für 1972-76 
(Statutes 1968) 
Dr. S.G. Gamble, Ottawa (Canada) 
Director of Congress 1976 
Prof. Dr. S.R. Halonen, Otaniemi (Finland) 
First Vice-President: 
Mr. G.C. Tewinkel, Sılver Spring, Md. (USA) 
M. Jean Cruset, Saint-Maur (France) 
Prof. Ir. A.J. van der Weele, Enschede (Netherlands) 
Second Vice-President: 
Prof. T. Maruyasu, Tokyo (Japan) 
Address of Secretary-General: 
7, Avenue de la Grange, 
F 94100 Saint-Maur, France 

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