Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

I wish every success and satisfaction to the new Presidents in their difficult task. I hope to be able to attend the 
next Congress and, then, I will have the pleasure of resuming, after eight years, my activity as an ordinary 
Thanks go also to the Presidents of the Working Groups and to the authors of the invited papers, the 
fundamental documents for discussion. However, the success of the work of the Commissions has been secured 
also by the participants, many of whom have submitted really remarkable papers, the number of which has 
been enormous. 
The number of participants was larger than the organizers anticipated and larger than that of past Congresses. 
Thus the Council was justified in its decision to publish the Archives without presented papers. 
The large attendance shows the evergrowing interest in our discipline throughout the world. 
It will be difficult to read all the papers we have been able to grasp, but it will nevertheless be fruitful and will 
give us an almost complete view of the development of photogrammetric research and its practical 
applications, from which the considerable development of instruments was not omitted. 
In this concern, let me say a few words about the Exhibition. The new equipment is extremely important, 
including highly perfected cameras, new plotters of varying precision, analytical plotters, instruments for 
close-range photogrammetry and for the production of orthophotomaps, and so on. Of course, I am unable to 
mention all the instruments exhibited, but I can say in all honesty that the Exhibition was quite fantastic, and 
that the improvements in the instrumentation must help very much in the development of photogrammetry. 
As I said before, I can mention here only Dr. Gamble's most important collaborators. 
Dr. Ted Blachut, Programme Co-ordinator; Mr. Moore, responsible for tours; Mr. O'Neill, liaison officer with 
the Canadian Institute of Surveying; Mr. Sebert, responsible for the Secretariat; Mr. Young responsible for 
property services; Mr. Mazerall, responsible for publicity; Mr. Shaw, who has admirably organized the 
Exhibition; Mrs. Mary Thompson, who has directed the Ladies programme, taking care of our wives when we 
were engaged in the work of the Congress; Dr. Zarzycki, who had the heavy responsibility of finances; and, 
finally, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Tuttle, advisors to Dr. Gamble. 
A special warm thank go to the interpreters, who have carried out a very hard task for these two weeks. 
Finalement, je désire remercier les délégués qui ont participé aux travaux de l'assemblée générale d'une facon 
bien responsable, ce qui a permis d'atteindre aisément toutes les décisions, méme trés importantes. 
Je remercie aussi le congrés pour avoir apprové les résolutions des commissions techniques qui on été 
soigneusement préparées et revisées par un comité présidé par le 1 * vice-président; je le remercie aussi et d'une 
facon particuliére pour avoir accepté la proposition du Conseil de nommer Membres d'honneur de la Société 
le professeur Kurt Schwidefsky et le professeur E.H. Thompson. Nous n'avons pas pà évidemment préparer 
les diplómes avant l'élection, mais ils leur seront envoyés dans quelques temps, signés par moi et par le 
Sécrétaire Général M. G.C. Tewinkel. Je me permet de souligner la profonde signification du róle des membres 
d'honneur; ils sont pour les photogrammeétres un guide, dans le sens qu'ils sont des examples de vies dédiées 
à la photogrammétrei avec passion et enthousiasme, outre que avec une connaissance extraordinaire des 
aspects théoriques et pratiques de notre discipline. 
I beg all the Honorary members present here to come to the podium; I wish to shake their hands before leaving 
my Presidency. 
C'est maintenant temps de prendre congé de vous; je puis vous dire que c'a été pour moi un grand honneur 
de présider pendant quatre années la Société Internationale de Photogrammetrie et aussi un plaisir. 
Mes meilleurs voeux pour l’activité du nouveau conseil, des Commissions Techniques et des groups de travail; 
je suis sûr que notre Société aura des nouveaux importants développements dans les prochaines quatre 

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