Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The Argentine Military Geographical Institute is a technical organism 
created by the Army of this country, which has developed along with it. 
This organism has a very important duty: the accomplishment of 
National Laws N? 12696/41 and 19278/71 (Law of the Chart), and N? 16.828 
(Law of Photogrammetric Coverage) 
In order to fulfill those objetives, it performs the main geodetic 
works and the regular topographical surveying of the whole National 
Territory, using photogrammetry in reasonable and intensive ways, as the 
essential element of the topographical routine, using the "Combined 
Method” on the flat areas and the “Pure Photogrammetric Method" on 
the mountainous zones. 
During this period and as a traditional rule since its creation, the 
Military Geographical Institute had been equiped with modern instru- 
mental, which quality and efficiency as it is proved by its use in the most 
important specialized organisms of the world. 
In order to accomplish this purpose the Military Geographical Ins- 
titute bought an electronic coordinatopograph, a Wild Autograph model A10 
with electronic recorder, being the acquisition of three restitution instru- 
ments, one of them with electronic recorder, to be confirmed at present. 
Besides the implicit specific work in topographic mapping, it is 
devoted to the important task of boundary mapping, and in addition 
it collaborátes with the Comando en Jefe of the Army and the various na- 
tional, provincial and municipal organisms of the country. 
Buenos Aires, July 1972.

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