Surveyor and Soil Testing Company (FTI),
National Forestry Service,
Hungarian Army.
The instrument pool of these organizations is, of
course, quite different. The planar photogrammetry
instruments are of the SEG-V, SEG-I, and Orion-IV types,
while the spatial photogrammetry instruments include
several types such as stereometrograph, stereoplanigraph,
A-7 autograph, A-8 autograph, SzPR-2 (Romanovsky), and
some stecometers.
3. Photogrammetric densification
Hungarian practice employs analogue series triangulation
based on the A-/ autograph; the lines are fitted into
the geodetic co-ordinate system by simultaneous block
compensation, according to the principle of the Schut
conform transformation technique. Densification is
employed, first of all, in large scale (1:1000, 1:2000)
mapping, where it substitutes low order triangulation
and traversing. This way the preset and stabilized
points of the terrain are given co-ordinates by photo-
grammetry. Such work does not require the precise de-
termination of the altitudes. Further fields of appli-
cation are the special surveys (for road, railway,
industrial establishment design, etc), and 1: 10000 to-
pographic mapping. : |
Block compensation employs a Hungarian technique(Molnár,
L., 1969) realized as a system consisting of 5 successive
and one detail calculation programs, by using a GIER
computer. Its characteristics and peculiar features are:
1. Fundamental compensation:
I. - (a) Interconnection of the lines by serial
linear plane transformation
(b) Determination of the block scale by the
square root of the sum of squares of the linear plane
transformation constants obtained on the basis of the
minor control points, as interpreted for the entire