Full text: National reports (Part 2)

(a) Fitting and series connecting points are to be 
available at all. the potential inflexion points and line 
(b) the curvature conditions of the predetermined 
&rror interpolation surface are checked upon, and 
compared to the tolerances; 
(c) upon request, the curvature conditions of the 
Surface to be developed are minimized by making use of 
the least squares method. 
5. The program provides for multilateral error ex- 
clusion, like that aimed at by the IIa process under (1). 
4. Process IV under (1) ensures an uninterrupted 
photogrammetric network even in the case of a poor field 
of minor control points. Detailed and reduced weight 
consideration of the points of minor control provides, 
in addition, for a distortionless global shape of the 
block obtained by internal compensation. 
Such an application of the polynomial continuous com- 
pensation made possible to have the process ensure, 
under sultable conditions, the accuracy of densification 
within the model, that is, projecting in a horizontal 
sense an accuracy of 7-14 to the image plane, in 
relation with the given.photographic system. According 
to our experiences, in each ease when the geodetic 
system representing the framework is uninterrupted, and 
the photogrammetric network does not suffer from regular 
errors, the trend claimed by Prof. Ackermann on the 
error propagation within the block will manifest itself. 
4, Cartographic application of photogrammetry 
In Hungary, photogrammetry is employed for cartographic 
purposes mainly in large scales. 
4,1. One of our most important cartographic duties 
is the production of national topographic maps. Such 
problems are solved by using both differentiated and 
universal methods. Essentially, evaluation consists of 
photographing the 1:10000 sections (with an area of 
about 22 km“, each).in a 1:30000, 1:20000, or 1:13000 
scale. The geodetic datum points are marked before 

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