Full text: National reports (Part 2)

444 City surveys and those of urban settlements is at 
a 1:1000 scale, while that of the aerial photographs 
varies between 1:4000 and 1:6000. 
The so-called PF-points are determined by photogrammetric 
aerial triangulation. These photogrammetric points are 
stabilized and marked prior to starting the aerial 
photography work. Planimetric evaluation employs correc- 
tostat paper, while relief evaluation makes use of 
astralon foils fixed on the table. The latter is per- 
formed by means of the minor control points of elevation 
in-site measured in advance, by using 1 m distance: 
contours, and by measuring the spot height figures. 
During the period covered by this report, 1:1000 photo- 
grammetric survey covered a total of 50 towns or urban 
settlements, whith an overall area of about 250 000 ha. 
4.5 Photogrammetry for engineering design 
Photogrammetry renders considerable assistance to plan 
and design the large-scale building and construction 
activity carried on all over the country. Thus to pro- 
mote and facilitate engineering desgin work a great 
number of 1:200 - 1:5000 maps have been produced. 
Such projects included the design and reconstruction of 
industrial establishments, the design of new motorways 
and railroad lines, the reconstruction of railway 
stations, river control and canalization, survey of 
mining areas including surface sites, survey and deve- 
lopment of urban traffic Junctions. In many cases 
aerial and ground photogrammetry had to be combined. 
In designing roads and railways, the height of the 
longitudinal and cross sections was also measured by 
photogrammetric techniques. These data are then punch 
taped for further electronic processing. 
5. Non—-cartographic applications of photogrammetry 
Many problems could be solved in this field by photo- 
rammetry. "ome of the most interesting projects were 
the enumeration is certainly not complete): 
- Photogrammetric survey of monument buildings; 
— Photographic display of monument street facades; 

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