Full text: National reports (Part 2)

— Survey of the roof consistency of densely built-in 
cities (cadastral registration of the roof stock), etc. 
6. Education and training in photogrammetry 
In Hungary, surveyors are trained at three levels, each 
including education in photogrammetry, but separate 
photogrammetric expert training has never been intro- 
6.1 The lowest level is the technical highschool of 
surveying attended, after 8 primary grades thus in the 
age of 14, by. those interested and having the intention 
to occupy such a position. Studies in this technical 
school take 4 years, completed by a final examination 
("maturation"). Training is aimed at the education of 
auxiliary technicians for simple surveying operations 
who, in the office, perform simple calculation and 
drawing duties, while on the site recording, minor sur- 
veying, marking, and stabilization jobs. Photogrammetric 
training is in the 3rd and 4th years through about 80 
classroom hours, and covers the reading of aerial photo- 
graphs, fundamental photogrammetric ideas and definitions, 
stereo-vision development and practice, simple graphic 
evaluations, and the preparation of photogrammetric 
operations. Accordingly, at the beginning of their work 
in photogrammetric departments, the graduates first 
perform preparatory duties, then auxiliary evaluations 
with the plotting instruments. After 2 years of practice 
and passing another examination, they may be promoted 
to technicians. 
6.2 The second educational level is the High-Grade 
Surveyor Technical School, similar to the German 
Ingenieur Schule. Preconditions are high-school (per- 
haps surveyor technical high-school), final examination 
certificate, and a successful examination of admittan- 
ce. The latter includes written and verbal parts in 
high-school mathematics and physics or, for the gra- 
duates of the surveyor technical high-school, surveying 
instead of physics in the verbal part. This training 
is aimed at the education of professionals who, in 
addition to a fundamental education in mathematics and 
the natural sciences, have been instructed in geodesy, 
photogrammetry, and cartography, and are thus capable 
to perform practical duties in these fields independ- 

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