Full text: National reports (Part 2)

= 15 = 
The following achievements of recent years ought to be 
emphasized from this aspect: 
8.1 The new block compensation technique described 
in the chapter of point densification, which has almost 
entirely replaced the earlier nonsimultaneous process; 
8.2 Analytic aerial triangulation, developed to an 
experimental-operational degree since the acquisition of 
the Zeiss-Jena Stecometer, using the method and programs 
elaborated (Molnär, L.) in the Surveyor Institute; 
8.3 A method elaborated for the quality control of 
aerial photographs, using the indices of contrast 
transfer functions derived on the basis of the blade 
samples (Gerencsér, M.)s 
8.4 Théoretical investigations and experiments in the 
field of semi-analytic aerial triangulation (dr. Somo- 
gyi, J.) 
8,5 Studies on the development of the technology of 
large scale photogrammetric mapping (dr. Kováes, B., 
and dr. Gebry, d.); 
9,6 Experimental and operational activity in the 
application of photogrammetry for road and other design 
purposes, with particular respect to high-precision 
photogrammetric altitude determination (dr. Gebry, J., 
and Szabó, B.); 
8.7 Initial experiments in the field of helicopter 
photography (Winkler, P.), and to adopt large scale 
coloured aerial photography (dr. Gebry, J.); 
8.8 A number of short-term projects and publications 
on some special applications of (ground) photogrammetry; 
8.9 Modernization of our calculation programs 
(their recomposition for more up-to-date medium output 
machines). In this context, a new block compensation 
process under development (Molnar, L.), to be conside- 
red "universal". The method will resolve the line to 
n sections, where n may equal 1, The sections may 
overlap. Compensation of the sections will be by the 
Schut conform transformation technique, at a specified 

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