Full text: National reports (Part 2)

( 1968—1972) 
The Survey of India as the National Surveying Agency continued to guide the develop- 
ment and growth of photogrammetric techniques in India. The work carried out by other 
agencies such as the Geographical Section of the General Staff and the Air Survey Company 
being very little this report will mainly be a review of the activities of the Survey of India in 
this field. 
Most of the mapping carried out by photogrammetric methods was connected with 
projects of economic development. Among these, the requirements of Projects connected 
with Irrigation and development of hydro-electric power received maximum attention. The 
following developments took place during the period after submission of the last National 
Report :— 
( à ) The Centre for Survey Training and Map Production was finally established 
with assistance from the U. N. D. P. 
This Centre carries out— 
(4) Training in all branches of surveying and map making, 
(5) Pilot projects on production of maps of various kinds, 
and (c) Research and development. 
( 9$ ) A start has been made in the use of Electronic Computer for carrying out 
survey adjustments and for carrying out extention of control and subse- 
quent adjustment. 
(#21 ) Intensive training of officers both inside the country and abroad in order to 
modernise the mapping techniques. 
( ?v ) The Indian Photo-interpretation Institute ( assisted by the Government of 
the Netherlands ) started training in photogrammetry and photo-interpreta- 
tion to trainees in forestry, geology and soils. It also carries out small 
consultancy jobs in the field of engineering geology and soil classification. 
Aerial photography in India is carried out by the Indian Air Force and the Air 
Survey Company of India. The Air Force possesses the RMK series of Zeiss cameras in 
addition to Eagle IX Mark IV. The Air Survey Company uses Wild RC-5 and RC-8 cameras. 
Practically the whole of India is covered by aerial photography on different scales. 
In addition to the requirements for air survey or photogrammetrie mapping by the 
Survey of India, the bulk of aerial photographs is meant for use by the All India Soils and 
Land Use Board, the Geological Survey of India and the Pre-investment Surveys of Forest 
Resources Project. The entire photography used in the country is on black and white panchro- 
matic emulsion. A beginning will be made in the months to come in infra-red and colour 
photography for special photo-interpretation use. 
With the acquisition of a large number of photogrammetric machines greater emphasis 
is now being laid on printing of diapositives. Efforts are constantly being made to improve 
the quality of the aerial negatives. Log E Printer is used for prints. 

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