Full text: National reports (Part 2)

drawing and reproduction. Almost all the fair drawing is at present being carried out on 
drawing paper. Scribing on glass or imported polyster-based scribe coat has been introduced 
on a very small scale and plans are afoot to change over to scribing entirely. 
The Survey of India and the Air Survey Company of India also carry out preparation 
of photographie mosaies for various terrain studies. 2 SEG V rectifiers are available in the 
department for preparation of rectified photographs and controlled mosaics. 
Quality control is carried out basically by the officers-in-charge of the shifts in the 
photogrammetric plotting sections. The planning and the details and the technique to be 
adopted, are laid down by the officer-in-charge of the photogrammetric Party. A complete 
record is kept of the orientation elements at all stages and of the results of checks on plotting 
carried out by the supervisory staff. 
Participation in Seminars, Symposia etc.—The Survey of India participated in the 
undermentioned seminar, symposia ete. during the period under report :— 
( à ) International Symposium of I.S.P. Commission IV ( Mapping and Photographs ) 
held at Delft, the Netherlands, from the 8th to 11th September, 1970. 
( à ) International Symposium of I.S.P. Commission VII ( Photo-interpretation ) 
held at Dresden, East Germany, from the 10th to 16th September, 1970. 
(4) International Symposium of LS.P. Commission II ( Setreo-Plotting Instru- 
ments ) held at Munich, West Germany, from the 15th to 21st September, 
( iv ) The United Nations Inter-Regional Seminar on Photogrammetric techniques 
held at Zurich from the 15th March to 3rd April, 1971. 
Photogrammetric Education.—Facilities for training in photogrammetric techniques 
are available mainly in the Survey of India though some Universities such as the University 
of Roorkee have instituted a Master of Engineering Degree in Photogrammetric Engineering. As 
employment opportunities for photogrammetrists exist almost entirely in the Survey of 
India, the contribution of these Universities etc. to the growth of photogrammetry in India 
is negligible. The main use of photogrammetric training in the Universities is to help engineers 
undertake terrain studies for their particular projects independently of the Survey of India. 
In the Survey of India the training in Photogrammetry is imparted at two levels— 
(à ) Advanced Level Trainees who will be required to fill senior supervisory posts 
and will be capable of carrying out independent research and training. 
(22) Operators. 
The Centre for Survey Training and Map Production at Hyderabad runs two courses, 
namely 450 Photogrammetric Operator Course and 710 Advanced Photogrammetry Course, 
for training officers and staff of the Survey of India. The Operators’ Course is of six months 
duration and the Advanced Course covers one full year. 30 students can be accommodated 
in the Operators’ Course every year and 10 students in the Advanced Course. The advanced 
Course is comparable to a Graduate Degree in Photogrammetry and admits, at present, officer 
trainees of the Survey of India who possess a Degree in Mathematics or Civil Engineering. 
The Operators’ Course aims at explaining the working principles of various photogram- 
metric machines and practice in handling all types of machines available in the Survey of 
The Indian Photo-interpretation Institute carries out training in photo-interpretation 
techniques including preparation of base maps using aerial photographs and other remote 
sensing record in the disciplines of Forestry, Geology, Soils ( survey and classification ) and 
Engineering. Its short courses are of 3 to 7 months duration and the regular courses last over 
12 months. A few Advanced Courses of 12 months duration are also run as and when qualified 
candidates are available. The I.P.I. also provides basic courses in connection with land use, 
town planning, geography, irrigation, flood control and other environmental and cultural 
During the period under report some of our officers were sent abroad to the International 
Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences ( I. T.C. ), Delft ( the Netherlands ) and the 
Ohio State University in U.S.A. for specialisation in photogrammetry. 
M.P.—P.0,—J.8. 80—23-5—72—2,200 
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