Full text: National reports (Part 2)

5-3 Commission III 
The aerial triangulation works in Japan was systematized practically at the 
biginning of 1960 in accordance with the development of home-made computer 
and at the same time the analytical method was started in process of research 
works and has been used widely in the practical market. 
After the I. S. P. Congress in Lausanne in 1968, the computer requirment has 
become more actively with the stimulation by the comparator import and almost 
aerial triangulation works have been done with the analytical method. 
Several years ago, Block adjustment method was placed in the process of 
practical works and has widely been used for the rationalization of calculation 
after the checking and discussings of the accuracy problems. 
The present statue of the aerial triangulation in Japan is as follows: 
1. Number of Comparators. 
Stereo Comparator 12 
Mono Comparator 4 
2. Number of the possessors of Comparator 
Government office & University 3 
Private Company 9 
3. Number of the possessors of Computer 
Government office & University 3 
Provate Company 7 
At the Comm. III Symposium in London in 1971, papers related to the 
Analytical triangulation was pr esented as follows: 
(1) Analytical Block Aerial Triangulation System by medium - 
Sized Computer. by Hiroshi Morito 
(2) Block Adjustment in Asia Air Survey Company. 
by Yoshiyuki Endo 
“13 - 

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