Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The central cooperative works has installed two orthophoto projector G2-1 and 
two Zeiss Profil Reading Units LG-1. The ten aerial survey companies with 
the universal plotter A7 or C8 have installed one Zeiss Storage Unit SG-1 for 
each company in Oct. of 1971. 
The new ten-year plan commission for cadastal survey has decided to do the 
area of 85,000 kn? in 1970 and to apply the orthophoto method for that project. 
The Economic Planning Agency has organized the research group of the cadastal 
survey with the orthophoto and has selected the two test areas and performed the 
ie test of the orthophoto to check the possibility for applying the orthophoto to the, 
cadastal survey on the various problems. From this result, the commission has 
confirmed to be able to apply to the practical works for the cadastal survey in the 
dent 0 forest area with a scale of 1: 2, 500. Accordingly, the Economic Planning Agency 
has decided to do the orthophoto works of the area of 531. 88 knË for the cadastal 
survey in 1972 and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has started to do the 
orthophoto mapping of 1 : 1, 000 scale for the land reallotment works. The forestry 
agency has decided to do the experimental works of the orthophoto projects for the 
forest study. 
5-4-3 Photogrammetric Applications to Civil Engineering 
Recently digital terrain data gained from photogrammetry has been utilized to 
the field of Civil Engineering in order to optimize the earth design such as highway 
design, new town planning and earth works. Prof. Maruyasu, Ass.Prof. Murai 
and their group have developed actively new data acquisition system of topographic 
(0 information, the information processing and their application to design. 
Dr. R. Kinoshita has done the analysis of the movement of flood waters in 13 main 
rivers by aerial photogrammetry. 

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