Full text: National reports (Part 2)

group has been organized in the commission VI of the Japan Society of Photogra- 
mmetry, Oct. 1963, and the selection work was ended in Dec. 1970 after seven 
years work. 
The fundamental principles for the work were as follows. 
(1) The terms shail be easily corresponded to any foreign language 
(2) Each term shall express only one photogrammetric conception, and vice 
versa, that is, they shall have one to one correspondence 
(3) The selection work shall follow the General Rule for determination of 
Japanese technical terms which have been authorized by the Academie of 
Japan and the Ministry of Education. This General Rule does not include 
any particular statement but only normal ones so that the selected terms 
shall be common and easily understood ones. 
The General Rule states also, that any technical term once determined and 
authorized in any field of science technics, shall be accepted also in other 
fields automatically. Therefore technical terms concerning other fields such 
as theory of errors, optics, photography etc. were not discussed in our working 
(4) Technical terms recommended by any international or forign organizations 
were mostly accepted, by those terms which have been already authorized in 
Japan according to the above mentioned General Rule were given the utomost 
priority, most of them are shown together with their corresponding foreign 
technical terms. 
As the first step of the work technical terms in photogram:netry and related 
fields were collected by Aug. 1964, including about 3,600 in total, as the first 
2g . 

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