Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The glossary of Japanese photogrammetric terms including 242 terms with 0) 
their strict definitions in Japanese and corresponding English, French, and 
German terms was published in Feb. 1971 on the Journal of the Japan Society 
of Photogrammetry Vol.1 1971. 
5-6-2 Training of Surveyors 
The legal qualification ofa surveyor is to be given in 3 different ways. The 
first way is to give the qualification for the graduates who studied surveying in 
universities or colleges. In university, however, fhere is no special course of 
geodesy and cartography. The number of yearly graduates is about 5,000, but 
only 10 - 20% among them make the enroll as the surveyor, and the number to 
become actual technical employees is far few, probably 50 - 100 persons. 
The second way is to give the qualification for graduates of survey training schools, i 
which were established by civilian desire, and whose managements are under the 
control of the Ministry of Construction. There are now 6 such training schools, 
and their graduates in total amount to about 1700. Almost all of them (about 85%) 
get their positions at the surveying or the general construction enterprise companies. 
The last way is to give the qualification for the successful candidates for the 
state examination. This examination is held once a year by the authority of the 
director of G.S.I., where examinations for the surveyor and the assistant surveyor 
are taken place separately. The numbers of candidates and successful technicians 
in the recent years are shown in Table 10. 
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