Full text: National reports (Part 2)

… ND 
Table 10 Number of candidates for the state 
Surveyor Assistant Surveyor 
Candi- Suce- % Candi- Succe- % 
date ssful date ssful 
1966 3,739 223 6,2 13,716 1,920 12.3 
1967 4, 351 242 5.6 13, 717 2,190 14.2 
1968 4,334 234 5.4 13, 449 2,540 1e d 
1969 4,505 301 6.°7 13,528 3,194 21.3 
1970 5,192 317 6.1 15, 348 3, 484 20.6 
1971 — — — — — — 
The special training courses are held at the Construction School attached to the 
Ministry of Construction, and the National Railway Construction School. The 
former carries out training for new members of the G. 5. I. (about 20 persons 
per year), and for technicians of the oversea technical corporation ( about 25 
persons per year ). 
Except the education in university, all the trainings stated above are confined 
generally within only one year. Higher training courses of about one or two weeks 
are held every year for some branches of survey by the Japanese Association of 
As the highest qualification of the technical expert there is the system of the 
technical consultant. The system has been enforced since 1958. This qualification 
is given through the state examination by the Science and Technology Agency of the 
Prime Minister's Office. The number of successful candidate in the field of geodesy 
and cartography amounts to about 30 technicians up to the present. 
- 2] — 

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