Full text: National reports (Part 2)

0) 6. Publication 
The following list is intended to include the main publication classified each 
Commission. The abbreviation of Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry 
used in this section is J. J. S. P. 
6.1 Comm. 4 
B (1n) Y. Ozaki: Physical Limitation of Photogrammetry 
JoJ.S. Po5 Vol^7,No- 3, 1968 
(2) T. Hirai: Nikon Plotter : A New Topographic Plotter 
J.IT.S.P." Vol.5, NO. 4, 1969 
(3) T. Maruyama : Terrestrial Photogrammetric Plotting Instrument 
"Nikon Plotter TR-2 ' 
J.J.S. P. Vol. 10; INO. 1; 1971 
(4) S. Imai, G. Yunokawa, I. Endo,and K.'Sgato 
On Some Test Results obtained by Camera Calibration 
) Je JS.P- Vol,>10,4No.,2, 1971 
ction s 
(5) I, Nakajima : Twin Stereoscope 'Condor T-22' 
J.J. SP. Vol 10, No. 2, 197! 
: (6) K. Nakamura, M. Yamakami, T.Harima, and S. Wakabayashi 
Recoding System of Photographing "ime for an Zerial Camera 
n J.J.S. P. WoL'll,No.2; 1972 
6.2 Comm. 3 
| (7) K. Sugiura, K. Tsukahara and S. Ueno 
| On the Over -sea Analytical Trianguiation 
J:J.6, P."Vol, 7, No. 4, 1968 
| (8) K. Narita : Block Adjustment Utilizing Least Squares Methods at the Object Pt. 
| J.J,S.P, Vol.9, No, 4, 1969 
(9) H. Morito : Analitieal Block Aerial Triangulation System by Medium Computer 
JJ,S.P, >Vol, 9, No, 4, 1970 
(10) Y. Endo : A Working Block Adjustment System by a Small Computer 
| J.J.5,P, Vol.9, No.4, 1970 
(11) S.Kurihara & H. Asada : The Calculation of the Block Adjustment of Aerial 
J.J.S.P, Vol. 9, NO. 4, 1970 

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