Full text: National reports (Part 2)

(12) Y. Ozaki : On the Limit of the Block Adjustment 
T.J.S. P. Vol.10, No. 3,1971 
6.3 Comm. 4 
K. Naohara & Y. Akabane 
An Experiment of the Cadastral Survey with Large Scale Aerial 
Photographs from a Hericopter 
T.J.S.P. Vol.7, No.1l, 1968 
Y. Usami : Examination and Survey for Endurance and Fatigue of Operators 
in operating the Plotting Instruments 
J. J. S. P. Vol.7, No.-2,1968 
(15) S. Kakishita : A design of a New Restitution Instrument 
J.J.S.P. Vol.7, No.4, 1968 
(16) K. Yoshida, F. Matsuzawa and F, Fujita 
Contral Point Survey by Means of Infrared Distancer 
J.J. S. P. Vol.8, N0.2,1969 
(17) H. Fujimori : Problems of Contour Lines applied to Photogrammetry 
J.J.S.P. Vo1.8, NO, 3, 1969 
Y. Kobayashi : On the Field Check of Aerial Triangulation & mapping 
by Multiplex 
JeJ.S.P.. Vol. % :N0.1, 1970 
(19) K. Kimata : On the Measurement Accuracy of Snow Depth by Aerial Photo 
JF J.S.P. Vol, 9, N0.1, 1970 
(20) M. Fuchimoto & K. Saito : Some Consideration on Technique and Accuracy 
of Changing Volume of Deposits in a River by Photogdammetric Method 
J,J.S. P. Vol. 9, 41N0.3, 1970 
(21) T. Maruyasu & S. Murai 
A Study on Fore Evaluation in Earth Design by Simulation Model 
J,J.S. P. Vol.l10, No. 2, 1971 
(22) T.Maruyasu,1S. Murai & S. Ohba ya shi 
Formation of A Strip Digital Terrain Model for the Purpose of 
Highway Design 
Je F054 P.. Vol, 10, .NO.:2,.1971 
T. Maruyasu, K. Sugimato & S. Tanaka 
On the Systematic Application of Photogrammetric Engineering 
for the Development of Large Scale Residential Area 
J.J.S.P. Vol, NO, 3, 1971 

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