Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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1. In conformity with the wishes of the council of the ISP this report will be rather short 
and cover only the highlights of the development of photogrammetry in the Netherlands 
during the period 1968-1972. 
The subdivision of the material will roughly follow the division of the ISP-activities 
over 7 commissions. 
2. The map-producing organizations in the Netherlands are at present still the same as in 
the foregoing period. For completeness-sake they will be repeated here: 
a. Survey Department of the Rijkswaterstaat (Technical Department of the Ministery 
of the Public Works, Transport and Water-Control) (Director Ir. S. Rienstra) ; 
b. The Topographic Service of the Ministry of Defence, *"Topografische Dienst" Delft 
(Director Ir. J. A. C. E. van Roermund); 
KLM-Aerocarto LTD, Schiphol and The Hague (Director J. Bos); 
The Photogrammetric Department of the Cadastral Service, Ministry of Finance 
(Chief Ir. H. L. van Gent); 
The Topographic Service of the NV Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij (BPM), 
Royal Dutch Shell Group, The Hague (Chief Ir. J. Burki). 
The scientific and educational organizations dealing with photogrammetry are: 
1. Delft University of Technology, Sub-Department of Geodesy; 
2. International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences at Enschede; 
3. Geodetic department of the Agricultural University at Wageningen. 
1.1. Practical applications 
One of the most striking developments during the past period has been the growing 
application of non-conventional or so-called remote sensing aerial data collection. The 
title of this chapter could therefore better be changed to aerial data collection. 
Photo-interpretation of false colour photography has in an increasing way been used for 
the detection of diseases in trees and other vegetation. A thermal infrared scanning system 
has been used successfully to evaluate oil-pollution in inner waters and to detect leakages in 
an urban central heating supply system. 
Apart from those and a few other incidental successful applications the systematic use of 
remote sensing is still in a preliminary stage and will require a lot of study in order to 
determine its technical and economical possibilities and limitations. 
1.2. Research 
In the field of classical frame-photography studies have been conducted on the properties of 
reseau-photography (105)") as well as on the influences of contact-printing on the geomet- 
rical properties of film and glass copies (111, 113). 
1) Number between brackets refers to the litteratur list. 

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