Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The potential use of satellite photography for geological photo-interpretation has been 
demonstrated in (134, 135, 136, 138, 206). 
In the field of remote sensing research a new development has been initiated. In 
particular at the ITC it was recognized that an effective research programme for the 
evaluation of the possibilities and limitations of the recently developed techniques, 
including infrared and multispectral scanning as well as side looking airborne radar, 
would be far beyond the financial and personal capacity of the Institute. In order to solve 
this problem a proposal was made to the Ministry of Education and Sciences containing 
two major points.viz. 
a. to bring all interested parties (agencies that could be expected to be potential users 
of R.S. techniques) together in order to combine research efforts; 
b. to provide for special financial means for a research programme. 
This proposal has been favourably accepted, resulting in the establishment of the 
Netherlands Interdepartmental Working Group on the Application of Remote Sensing 
Techniques (NIWARS). After a slow start, during which organizational matters had to 
be solved, discipline-directed project-groups have defined and are in the course of execu- 
ting particular research projects. It is expected that the first results will be available in the 
near future. 
IT.1. Applications 
The number of photogrammetric restitution instruments in the Netherlands, is growing 
continuously. Apart from the classical instruments that need not to be mentioned here, 
the new additions to het instrument-park show an increasing trend towards automation. 
This shows itself in the considerable increase in the number of automatic coordinate 
registration devices and the application of orthophotoscopes. The final step towards 
automated (digital) plotting equipment has been made or is being considered in several 
11.2. Research 
The systematic study of the properties of existing or possible instruments has been con- 
tinued (123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130). 
11.1. Applications 
For the topographic map 1 : 25000 numerical radial triangulation is still used as a 
standard procedure. The computation and adjustment are carried out using the Anblock" 
method. Between 1968 and 1972 a number of 72 blocks with an average of 67 models have 
been treated. The resulting accuracy is estimated as 20 microns on the photoscale 1 : 20000. 
The other agencies are increasingly using aerial triangulation for their various mapping 
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