Full text: National reports (Part 2)

by Talbert Abrams Award "For authorship and recording of current 
and historical scientific developments in photogrammetry". In 
1961 he received the "Photogrammetric Award for outstanding 
achievement in the field of photogrammetry" by Sherman Mills 
Fairchild. He was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Mili- 
tary Sciences from 1950 and of the Royal Swedish Academy of 
Engineering Sciences from 1955. 
The work of Bertil Hallert was concentrated on quality problems 
in photogrammetry. As president of the ISP working group on 
"Fundamental Problems" he worked for the establishment of tole- 
rances and specifications of instruments and methods under ope- 
rational conditions. Another keen interest was to obtain a 
standardization of terms and expressions related to the theory 
of error in photogrammetry. He also worked for the application 
of photogrammetry in other sciences such as medicine, odontology, 
architecture and archeology. As Head of the Department of Land 
Surveying he was very interested in a better understanding 
between students and teachers. 
Bertil Hallert has very actively taken part in the development 
of photogrammetry in Sweden. He was at the Geographical Survey 
Office when it started the Economic Map of Sweden based on a 
photomap and he was actively engaged in the first large scale 
photogrammetric mapping for communal purposes. Almost all Swedish 
photogrammetrists have been his students. 
The Swedish Society of Photogrammetry has lost an outstanding 
member. We miss him as a friend and a colleague. 

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