Full text: National reports (Part 2)

During the latest four years the state of photogrammetry has 
been rather stable. The number of organizations and the number 
of people engaged in photogrammetric work have been fairly 
constant. Nor have the number of photogrammetric instruments 
changed during the period. 
A pronounced development has taken place within the field of 
orthophotography with a three times increased productivity. 
Also methods of producing line maps have been developed. A con- 
siderable increase in the need of numerical data from stereo 
instruments can be observed. Subsequent calculations are made in 
high-speed computers and automatic co-ordinatographs are often 
used to present the results. 
Automatic methods have been applied to a very great extent for 
the handling of aerial film and for the production of photo 
materials of different kinds. 
Research work has been carried out concerning camera and instru- 
ment calibration, photographic image quality and the applica- 
tion of photogrammetry to special purposes. 
Photo-interpretation and remote sensing methods have gained an 
increased importance. Different applications have been investi- 
Aerial Photography 
Practically all aerial photography for mapping and measuring 
purposes in Sweden is performed by the Geographical Survey 
Office (RAK) and all the negatives from the aerial photography 
are stored centrally. Consumers can order aerial photogrammetric 

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