Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Type 70 exposure control system. 
A Hostert Automata Type SWG 60-7 automatic processor with 
Flow-Dryer System for processing of black and white contact 
prints and enlargements exposed on photo papers in rolls with 
a maximum width of 70 cm. 
A Pakorol G-48-1 automatic processor for film sheets from the 
reproduction camera, the contact printing frames and the ortho- 
projector. The maximum width of the sheets is 120 cm. 
In the tables 1 and 2 below the production results of the aerial 
photography and laboratory activities during the latest four 
year period are shown. 
Table 1. Aerial Photography and Laboratory Work for the Official 
Maps and the General Photographing Plan 
1968 1969 1970 1971 
Aerial photography 1) 
negatives 6,653 95332 73705 0,9472) 
area km? 65,944 94,200 , 82,550 76,630 
Laboratory work 
Contact prints 
black and white 254415 28,298 244,223 55,080 
colour 65 39 - - 
black and white $4655 22355 7,801 7,251 
colour 81 10 22 52 
ortho 1,367 1,765 2,841 2,934 
others 4,676 2,305 1,467 824 
black and white 2,027 14122 2,948 35 560 
colour 64 13 42 21 
1) 350 from 9,200 m altitude 
2) 10,000 km@ from 9,200 m altitude 

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