Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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Plotting time 
Colour separation Scribing Cutting 
Black 52 minutes - 
Blue 16." 15 minutes 
Brown 20 t! Bt 
Green 26 " 28 " 
The geometrical as well as the drafting quality was good. 
For large scale mapping automatic co-ordinatographs are used 
mainly for preparation of map sheets and for drawing of profiles. 
There are systems for plotting of details and contour lines 
available, but the costs are still too high compared with ordinary 
plotting stereo instruments. 
Concerning production of photogrammetric maps of various types it 
is obvious from the figures in table 5 that the basis for the 
economic map to-day consists of orthophotomaps to 70 % The 
corresponding percentage in 1968 was 63. The table also shows 
that the area covered by orthophotomaps has increased from 
10,600 sq.km to more than 14,000 sq.km per year during the 
four-year period. 
The annual production of other types of maps has been quite 
constant regarding mapped area. The distribution among map 
scales shows an obvious trend in favour of the 1:400 and 1:500 
scales. The increase from 1968 to 1971 is approx. 60 %. The maps 
in the scales 1:4,000 and 1:5,000 show the largest decrease. 
The mapped area has been reduced from 4,500 sq.km to 1,900 sq.km 
per year. This development depends on the enormous urbanization 
of the country, which has increased the need of large scale maps 
for planning of cities and towns. An additional reason is the 

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