Full text: National reports (Part 2)

changing of filters was developed. This anchored balloon proved 
to be & very good platform for the purpose. 
At the Royal Institute of Technology X-ray photogrammetry has 
been used to study deformation of knee joints under load and to 
study spinal deformations. At the Royal Veterinary College 
equine locomotion has been studied. Position and angles of the 
hoofs of a fast moving trotter were determined from high-speed 
motion-picture films. A detailed analysis of the systematic and 
irregular errors of the method was carried out. 
Some applications of photogrammetry have now reached the state 
of routine. Such applications are cross-sectioning of tunnels, 
construction of height-volume tables for oil storage caverns, and 
certain architectural and archeological applications. 
Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing 
The interest in different activities of remote sensing has in- 
creased very much during the last four years. This interest is 
mainly due to new techniques for obtaining data in different 
Spectral regions together with the need for information for plan- 
ning over large areas. Also the interest in questions relating 
to environment has activated research projects within the field 
of remote sensing. 
In 1969 a national remote sensing committee was established 
within the Swedish Board of Technical Development (STU). In order 
to investigate present activities and potential use of remote 
sensing & nationwide survey of these activities and interests 
have been sponsored by this committee. 
Concerning instruments for remote sensing activities, an airborn 
thermal scanner was designed at the Swedish National Defense 

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