Full text: National reports (Part 2)

order to be able to evaluate the multispectral photography an 
additive colour projector build by the Defence Research Insti- 
tute is used. 
At the University of Lund thermal scanners have been used to 
Study the possibilities of using thermal mapping techniques in 
urban planning, natural resources and pollution problems. 
Up to now ordinary photography with black and white, colour and 
IR-colour films is the most used technique for remote sensing. 
Especially IR-colour film is being investigated concerning its 
possibilities for use in various fields of remote sensing. 
The structure of the education in photogrammetry has not changed 
during the last four years. Lectures are given on several levels. 
The categories for education have considerably increased. This 
is due to & general boom in education together with an increasing 
demand for photogrammetry within several fields of application. 
Specially photo-interpretation and remote sensing are in demand. 
At the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) the courses have been 
rearranged in such a way as to allow for increased choice of 
courses and increased specialization. The basic course has been 
shortened but quite a number of the students take more photo- 
grammetry than this course. Only a few students take part in the 
most advanced courses which have been lengthened. Also at KTH 
instruction in the fields of remote sensing and photo-interpre- 
tation have increased mainly through courses giving the physical 
and mathematical background. 
Other universities, colleges and many educational institutions 
have instituted more courses in photogrammetry and photo-inter- 

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