Full text: National reports (Part 2)

"is 99 
maps is secured, and the needs of different branchs of 
national economy are satisfied in maximum extent. 
With due regard for a further development of pro- 
ductive forces of the country, aerial surveys for making 
maps at I:s50 000, I:25 000 and larger scales are being 
planned. So, for instance, when building reservoirs for 
large hydro-electrical complexes on the rivers Volga,Ob, 
Yenisei, and others, it has been necessary to make,with 
the shortest possible delay, large-scale maps to meet 
the requirements of designing organizations (building, 
hydrotechnical ones, etc.) as also those of forestry and 
agriculture. Special attention is being paid to develop- 
ing and putting into practice of & methodology for mapp- 
ing at I: IOO OOO0 and larger scales such regions where 
land-reclamation is being planned in accordance with the 
new Five-Year Plan of development of the national econo- & | © 
my of the USSR for 1971-1975. 
A satisfactory solution of the problem of mapping 
different geographical regions of the country (high- | 
lands, steppe, forests,marsh-land, etc.) - in short time 
and in strict accordance with high technical standards 
may be obtained only on the base of continuous improve- 
ment of both technical means and methodology of such 
work. It was toward this aim that the activity of scien- 
tists and production workers - members of the National 
Committee of Photogrammetrists of the USSR - was direct- 
ed during the period after the Lausanne Congress of ISF 
Aerial surveying and aircraft piloting. 
Aerial photography on panchromatic and colour photo- e e 
graphic materials is the most widely used method of study 
of the Earth's surface. Depending on physical-geogra 
cal conditions of the country and special purpose of the 

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