Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Gum ence dui 
A programmed facility fox automated piloting secu- 
res correct lateral overlap of photographs, maintains 
the fixed flight-height and the boundaries of the &re& 
under survey, the device consists of an automated rur 
control and a stabilizer for maintaining the fixed angie 
of flight. The said facility secures automatip piloting 
on opposite strips and automatic changing to a next 
This equipment is used in all surveying aircrafts 
including the light planes (i.e.of flying weight about 
5-6 t). Heavier aircrafts are provided with additional 
navigational computing devices which calculate single 
elements of the program together with aircraft coordina- 
tes during airborne survey and emits control route Sig- 
nals,which are proportionate to aircraft deviation from 
the prescribed course of flight; moreover; special de- 
vices determine the starting-moment for aerial cameras: 
Constant longitudinal overlap is maintained by 
either electronic or automatic commands designed in the 
The electronic command is a semi-automatic inter- 
valometer in which the time interval between two conse- 
cutive exposures is calculated from the relation of the 
flying speed to true flying height. Two-channel computers 
are used which secure synchronous ( simultaneous) working 
of two aerial cameras of different focal lengths. The 
Xe pelation is measured by the operator with the heir 
of a sighting device. The device lends itself to measu- 
rements of intervals with an accuracy + 2%, which cor- 
responds to overlap error * 1% and + 3% for surveys ot 
flat and mountainous terrain, respectively. 
More promising seems to be an automatic method o- 
computation of d relation from signals emitted by € 
Doppler measuring device and à padio-altimeter. The ca.- 
culation block of an electronic command facility is 
used for computation. The measuring grid moves on The

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