Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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Testing of instruments. All new models of universal 
stereoplotters are tested according to a uniform program. 
The test program has been elaborated with due regard to 
technical performance, field of application and econo- 
mical efficiency of the new instruments. 
Áccuracy of instruments is estimated by measuring 
a grid model (control grids) and photographic models 
corresponding to vertical survey (c = @ = 2910) of 
an accidental country ( baux * hain = 600 m ). 
Sometimes, accuracy of the stereoplotters is estimated 
on the base of standard tests, as are recommended by ISP 
and executed in two steps: | 
1) Monocular testing of individual projectors of the 
2) General stereoscopic examination of the instrument 
as a whole. 
Photogrammetric control extension needed for making 
topographical maps by stereophotogrammetric methods is 
established with the help of spatial photogrammetric 
networks plotted either on analog instruments or by 
analytical means. 
As a chief coordinate recorder, the ZeiB Stereo- 
comparator 18 x 18 cm is used. 
In establishing both the algorithm and program 
for an electronic computer,great attention is being 
paid to intermediate control operations with the aim of 
revealing errors ( erroneous data ) in the process of 
calculation and to eliminate these from further 
However, the method of checking the work and eliminat- 
ing errors at control points has not as yet been suffi- 
ciently well elaborated, especially in the cases where 
there are only a few control pointse 

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