Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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creased a Siicabion thanks to raised accuracy 
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ments on photographs, improved quality of imagery, and 
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development of new facil f photographing d 
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plotting. In many cases, photogrammetry is the only method 
capable of solving some engineering or scientific problem. 
At present, photogrammetry is applied everywhere-from 
One of the principal methods of exploring the Lunar 
surface is the interpretation of photographs of the Moon. 
It enables to get quite clear an idea on relief, trati- 
graphy of Lunar rocks and their structure. Examination of 
with the aim to reveal 
^ 3 
Lunar photographs is (also 
the processes that are taking place.on the surface and in 
the interior of the Moon. Photographic images received 
from (transmitted by) the automatic devices of "Lunohod 
I's" type, serve also as the necessary data for navigation 
of such devices. 
On the opposite end of the scale is the "near"photo- 
grammetry, for instance, applied in such science as 
The eye, as an object of measurement, presents 
serious difficulties because of its mobility and impossi- 
bility of taking direct measure of 
As was shown by experiments, it is possible to use 
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stereophotogrammetry for examination of the front section 
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of the eye,its optical system, and the bottom of the eye. 
Taking the time-factor into consideration, it is rendered 
possible to follow the dynamics of phenomena, which is of 
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extreme importance ior 
particular new growths 
These problems were 

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