Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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scientific personnel, particularly in the field of photo- 
grammetry. To this aim post-graduate studentship has been 
founded. : 
Thesises are elaborated and defended also by engi- 
neers engaged in work at industrial enterprises;in their 
study they avail themselves of consultation offered them 
by professors and teachers of high school. 
Academical degree of Doctor is conferred on candi- 
dates who have successfully defended their doctoral 
thesis, and have actively contributed to development of 
the theory in the corresponding branch of the science. 
The basic textbooks on photogrammetry are enumerat- 
ed below 3; 
A.S.Skiridov. - Stereophotogrammetry. 
'M.D.Konshin. - Aerophotogrammetry. 
b NoïYa.Bobir. - Photogrammetry. 
© ^ eo N.MeÁlexapolsky. - Photogrammetry. 
F.V.Drobyshev.- Photogrammetry. 
! V.F.Deineko. — Aerophotogeodesy. 
A.N.Lobanov. — Aerophototopography. 
Scientific articles on photogrammetry, including 
papers on history and terminology, are being published 
in "Geodesy and Cartography”, "Geodesy and Aerial Survey- 
ing", "Proceedings of the MIIGAiE", Proceedings of the 
ZNIIGAiK", "Proceedings of the NIIGAiK™, and other 
Photogrammetric bibliography is represented by & 
Review "Geodegsy and Aerial Surveying", published by the 
All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Informa- 
tion" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 
0 e In the USSR, aerial photographs taken in differenti 
spectral zones of electromagnetic oscillations by means 
of (conventional) aerial photography, infra-red and 
radiolocation surveys are used for interpretation, 

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