Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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currents, to forecast displacements of storms and 
tyfoons. | 
Investigation of objects of this kind by means of 
conventional aerial photography is practically impossible, 
as it would require a simultaneous reviewing of a mosaic 
composed of thousands of photographs. 
Still, the peculiar character of photographic 
imagery as received from Cosmos, requires development 
of new keys and methods of interpretation with due 
regard to natural interrelations existing between 
objects of considerable extent, 
Parallel to improvement of methods and means of 
obtaining &nd treating information, the field of appli- 
cation of cosmic photographs will gradually broaden. 
At the same time, these photographs will serve as 
the first keys for landscape study of other planets 
with the help of their corresponding photographs. 
As is seen from the above, the field of photo- 
interpretation, which is one of the basic parts of the 
whole process of obtaining information on natural 
environment utilising imagery of various kind fixed on 
photographic materials, bas been considerably wideneds4- 

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