Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Fleming, J., "Patterns of Aerial Photo Weather in 
Canada", Technical Report No. 70-12, Surveys and 
Mapping Branch, EM & R, described in Canadian 
Surveyor 25, 1, p. 42, Mar, "1. 
Zsilinszky, V.G., Supplementary Aerial Photography 
with Miniature Cameras, Paper presented at Inter- 
national Congress of ISP, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1968. 
Photogrammetria 25 (1969/1970), 27-38. 
Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, 1971. 
Supplementary Aerial Photography. 
Zsilinszky, V.G., Camera Mounts for 35mm Mono 
and Multispectral Photography. Proceedings of the 1st 
Canadian Remote Sensing Symposium, Ottawa, 1972. 
Zsilinszky, V.G., Fisheye Lens in Forest Sampling. 
Paper (to be) presented at the '72 Convention of the 
ASP, Washington, D. C. 
Edwards, R.W., Development and Application of Fixed 
Base Aerial Photography submitted for presentation at 
the ISP 1972 Congress, Ottawa. 
Hunter, G. T., Bird, S.J. G., "Critical Terrain 
Analysis, Photogrammetric Eng. 36, 9, p. 939, 
Sept. 1970. 
Brandenberger, A.J., World Wide Mapping Survey, 
Photogrammetric Eng. 36, 4, p. 355, Apr. 70, 
Masry, S. E., Analytical Treatment of Stereo Strip 
Photos, Photogrammetric Eng. 35, 12, p. 1255, 
Dec. 69. 
Gregory, A.F., Remote Sensing: A New Look at the 
Canadian Environment Canadian Surveyor 25, 2, p. 131 
June, 1971, 
Sayn-Wittgenstein, L., Large Scale Aerial Photo- 
graphy and Radar Altimetry, The State of the Art, 1971 
International Union of Forest Research Organizations, 
Joint Report of Working Group on Application of Remote 
Sensors in Forestry, p. 99-108, (Rombach Co, Frie- 
Ladouceur, Gilles, Calibration d'un radar-altimetre, 
Service de Recherches, Ministere des Terres et 
Forets, Que. En cours de publication, 
Parry, J.T., Cowan, W.R., Heginbottom, J. A., 
Soil Studies Using Color Photos Photogrammetric 
Eng. 35, 1, p.44, Jan, 69, 
Philpotts, L.E., Wallen, V.R., I.R. Color for Crop 
Disease Identification, Photogrammetric Eng, 35, 
11, p. 1116, Nov. 69, 
Parry, J.T., Cowan, W.R., Heginbottom, J. A. 
Color for Coniferous Forest Species, Photogrammetric 
Eng. 35, ‘7, p. 669, July 69. 
Parry, J. T., Turner, H., Infrared Photos for Drain- 
age Analysis, Photogrammetric Eng. 37, 10, p. 1031, 
Oct; 71; 
Carman, P.D,, A Light Source for Sensitometry of 
Aerial Films, Photographic Science and Engineering 
13, 6, p. 376, 1969; 
Ziemann, H., Reseau photography in photogrammetry 
- A review NRC, 10408, (AP-PR 39) Nov, 1968, 
Schut, G. H,, Photogrammetric Refraction, Photo- 
grammetric Eng. 35, 1, p. 79, Jan, 69, 
Vicek, J., Systematic Errors of Image Coordinates, 
Photogrammetric Eng. 35, 6, p. 585, June, 1969 
Carman, P,D., Camera Calibration Laboratory at 
NRC. Photogrammetric Engnr, 35, 4, p. 372, 
April, 1969, 
Ziemann, H., Vergleich verschiedener, auf 
Randleisten gegrundeter Bilddeformations- 
korrekturverfahren, Vermessungstechnik 18, 
1970, p. 388-392. 
Ziemann, H., Is the request for Eight fiducial 
marks justified? Photogrammetric Eng. 37, 1 
p. 67-75, Jan, 1971 
Ziemann, H., Image Deformation and methods 
for its correction, Canadian Surveyor 25, 1971, 
p. 376-377, 
Ziemann, H., Image Deformation - a discussion 
of several contributing factors, Canadian Sur- 
veyor 25, 1971, p, 521-529. 
Ziemann, H., Sources of image deformation. 
Photogrammetric Eng. 37, 12, p. 1259-1265, 
Dec. 1971, 
Young, M. E. H. , Ziemann, H., Film diapositive 
deformation, Photogrammetric Eng. 38, p. 65- 
69, Jan, 1972, 
Ziemann, H., Economics of image deformation 
correction, Photogrammetric Eng. 38, 2. p. 155- 
162, Feb, 1972. 
Jakzic, Z., Deformations of Estar-base aerial 
film, Photogrammetric Eng. 38, 3, p. 285-296 
Mar. 1972. 
Young, M.E.H., Ziemann, H., Printing sources 
of image deformation, Photogrammetric Engine- 
ering 38, 4, Apr. 1972 
Kratky, V., Transformations and their remaining 
systematic errors. Photogrammetric Eng, 38, 5, 
May, 1972, 
Ziemann, H., Image Geometry. Invited paper 
ISP Commission 1 
Collins, S. H., Kalensky, Z.D., Resolution Trans- 
fer in Orthophotography. ASP-ACSM fall Con- 
vention, Portland, Oregon, USA, 1969. 
Collins, S, H. , Kalensky, Z.D., Color Resolution, 
ASP-ACSM Annual Convention, Washington, D. C. 
USA, 1970, 
Collins, S. H., Kalensky, Z.D., Transfer of Re- 
solution in the Production of Orthophotos. Cana- 
dian Surveyor, 24, 4, p. 459, Sept. 70, 
Carman, P.D., Brown, H., Resolution of Four 
Films in a Survey Camera, Canadian Surveyor 
24, 5, p. 550, 1970, 
Kalensky, Z.D., Quality of Color Aerial Photo- 
graphy and its influence on Photo Interpretation, 
CIS Convention, Ottawa, 1971, 
Carman, P.D., Kalensky, Z.D., Definition in 
the Three Image Layers of Aerial Color Film, 
Submitted for presentation at the 1972 ISP Con- 
gress, Ottawa, 
Carman, P.D., Camera Vibration Measurements. 
Submitted for presentation at the 1972 ISP Congress 
Konecny, G., Some Problems in the Evaluation of 
Lunar Orbiter Photography. Canadian Surveyor 22 
4, p. 394, Sept. 68. 
Tariel, Jean, Differentes applications de la photo- 
grammetrie dans le domaine des ressources hy- 
drauliques, Departement de Photogrammetrie, 
Faculte de Foresterie et de Geodesie, Universite 

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