Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Dr. Z. Marsik 
During the past four years a considerable amount of mapping work has been 
done in Czechosiovakia. Large scale maps, which are called in our country 
Technical Economic Maps, at the scales 1:5000, 1:2000 and 1:1000 have been 
produced, when mainly photogrammetric methods are applied, Photogrammetry 
is the only method for the production of Forest Economic Maps at the scale 
1:5000. The universal photogrammetric method has been used to plot special 
purpose maps at the scales 1:1000 and 1:500 / industrial plants maps, rail- 
way station maps, suburb settlement maps, etc./. Photogrammetry has been 
applied in architecture particularly for measurement and documentation of 
historical buildings. The research activity in photogrammetry has been fo- 
cused mainly to make up or improve the technology of photogrammetric proce= 
dures and their application for the purposes mentioned. 
There are branches for public surveying and mapping in each of the ten pro- 
vinces of Czechoslovakia, and there are two other places in our country, 
where maps for forestry purposes are produced; another place looks after 
Railroad Maps; Mining Industry has its mapping branch, too. The Research 
Institute of Geodesy in Prague is in charge of the photogrammetric rese- 
arch and application of photogrammetry in map production and other fields. 
At the Technical University in Prague and at the Slovak Technical Univer- 
sity in Bratislava as well, there are photogrammetrists who are active in 
research of some fields of interest. 
Czechoslovakia has been an active member of the ISP since 1931, and also 
during the period between XI and XII Congress held the line. Czechoslova- 
kia was in charge of Commission VI, a few of Czech and Slovak photogram - 
metrists took part in several Working Groups. There was the Symposium of 
Commission VI held in Bratislava in 1970, and a conference of the Working 
Group IV/1, held in Bratislava in 1969, dealt with Digital Terrain Model. 
In 1971 an International Symposium on Application of Photogrammetry in Ar- 
chitecture took place in Brno. 
The Czechoslovak Photogrammetric Committee associates the photogrammetrists 
of all professional places and coordinates their effort in propagation of 
the news in world photogrammetry; for that reason many conferences and sym- 
posia, local or national, have been held, where results of research, inves- 
tigation and practice are discussed. 

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