Full text: National reports (Part 2)

/10/ Jerábek, 0, : Application of photogrammetry in 
velopment /in Czech/, GaKO, 1969, 
/li/ Kabelác, J. : Interior and exterior orientation 
by means of star sky photography /in Czech/. 
/12/ Klinerová, V, - Vondra, J. : Les monu | 
leve par le méthode de photogrammétrie terrest 
sium international sur le des monument 
/13/ Kohut, F. : 
/14/ Machátek, S. - Rü£ek, M.: Application of terrestri 
stereoscopic perception /in 
h/. GaK0,1969, 
/15/ Marsik, Z. : Transformation of plate coordinates to equatorial coor- 
for detection of deformations of a boulder dam /in Czec 
dinates. Studia geophysica et geodsplns, 1968. 
/16/  Marsik. Z. : A theoretical contri 
triangulation. Studia geophysica et deodotica, 1969, 
/11/ Marsik, Z. : On the integrated photogrammetric method /in Czech / . 
GakO, 1970. 
/18/ MarSik, Z. : Affine transformation in analytical photogrammetry 
/in Czech/. GaKO, 1971, 
§ A 
/19/ MarSík, Z. : Automatic relief shading. Photogrammetria, 1C 
e e 
/20/ MarSík iplet orientation of aerial photographs, Studia 
ophysi t geodetica, 1971. 
/21/ MarSik, Z. : Use of rectified photographs and 3 cti 
fied photographs for photomaps. The Canadian Surveyor, 1971. 
fs EL "t r Do 4 e . va. es + cs ne fiv 
/ 22/ Midriak, R. - Petrâs, J. : Analysis of Phenomen 
round-Destruction in the Territory of Belanské 
7 + / ' S5 naval 1 < 2r # Cniantsi Pin 
togrammetry. /in Slovak/, Almanac " Scientific 
<=. er ta d 'J spy M" al TTY 107 
Institut of Forestery in Zvolen ", Vol. XIII; 197 
/23/ Petras, J. : Photogrammetry in Mining Surveying in Slovakia /in Ger- 
man/, Almanac of the Slovak Mining Museum, Vol. V, 1969. 
/ 24/ Petrâs, J. - Midriak, R. : Problems of Erosion Phenomens Mapping in 
Slovakia. Almanac " International Water Erosion Symposium ", Vol.III. 
Prague 1970. 
/25/ Petras, J. : La pnatogrammótrie et la protection des monuments en 
Tchécoslovaquie, Almanac " Symposium international sur le mesurage 
des monuments ", Brno 1971. 
Petras, J. : 15 anniversaryof the Research Laboratory of Photogram- 
metry at the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava /in Slovak/. 
GaKO, 1971. 
721/ Pichlík, V. : Accuracy of areas as a criterion of planimetric accu- 
racy of photogrammetry /in Czech/. GaKO, 1968, 
/28/ Pichlík, V. : On some problems of photogrammetry in built-up areas 
/in Czech/. GaKO, 1968. 

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