Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

- Discriminate between buildings of various types, age, height 
and construction. 
- Delíneate and identify urban and rural urban fringe land use 
types, i.e., industrial, residentíal, etc. 
- Study relationship between Inselberg (Bornhardt)  geomorpho- 
logy and landslide processes. 
- Obtain empiríóal data on porosity and permeability zpning in 
relation to zones of landslide occurrences. 
- Determine, using dyes, the vectors of watermotion during ebb 
tide in important bays. 
- Determine dispersion tensors of surface water (intensity) 
- Test detection and motion of waste film on surface waters of 
the area. 
- Determine whether known sources and types of pollution can be 
detected; delineate and discriminate as to biological, chemical, 
- Characterize sediments deposition and movement at various depths 
with various film filter combination. 
- Study points of cool, fresh water inflow into bays. 
- Define distribution of sea-surface thermal patterns. 
- Locate and d'efine possible upwellings in the sea, and study 
its mechanism. 
- Establish Brazilian current boundaries. 
- Characterize the near shore currents. 
- Distinguish extent of bottom vegetation. 
- Delineate shorelines, subsurface topography and water depths 
(hydrographic mapping). 
At present the Group is glad to inform that the three 
first phases were thoroughly fulfilled and we are already develo- 

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