Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

ping pure and applied research with the help of our Own airplane, 
our own equipment (imported from various developed countries) and 
a group of selected investigators from a number of different coun 
tries, working together with the Brazilian technicians specificaT 
ly prepared for this venturesome projett, as recommended for Pha- 
se D. 
However, what really makes this Group feels very 
happy is the fact that remote sensors of wave bands other than 
the visible light are being applied extensively in Brazil for se- 
veral purposes. In the text of this report fairly detailed infor 
mation will be given as to research already or still being develo 
ped with the data acquired from NASA NP - 3A,aircrafto ‘Other --- 
work related to the RADAM PROJECT and to the COFFEE PROJECT is 
The problem of gathering information as to what is 
being done in other countries of the world, as far as remote sen- 
sing is concerned, was worrying the Group components when a Panel 
Meeting sponsored by the United Nations and organized by most of 
the members of the Remote Sensing Working Group, took place in Sao 
Jose dos Campos - State of Sao Paulo, during the period November 
29 to December 10, 1971, and was attended by a good number of outs 
tanding experts from the most developed countries, as well as from 
several developing countries (of Africa, Asia and Latin America)- 
all of them prepared to present papers or give oral lectures re- 
porting the stage of remote sensing application in their respecti 
ve countries. 
A digest of all papers presented during that Panel 
Meeting is presented in other chapters of this Report. 
In relation to some countries not represented in our 
Panel Meeting but also devoted to the sophisticated technique of 
remote sensing, we have, at least, synoptic information on the 
project or projects they are developing. 
The hardest problem in preparing this report was 
exactly that of summarizing the matter we had available to be re- 
ported. In fact, our report should be the 6 volumes bound at the 
end of the above mentioned Panel Meeting. Unfortunately we - 
couldn't afford to export 8 tons of printed matter from Rio de Ja 
neiro to Ottawa. However, one copy of each of those 6 brochures 
was brought to this Congress by the Group and is here at the dis- 
posal of the participants willing to look through. We tried to 
condense, as much as we could, the contents of these 6 volumes. 
The sequence of the subjects treated in this report 
follows, to a certain extent, the chronologic succession of the 
events focused in it. 
Applied research using the NASA images and signatures 
are initially synthesized. Then the Coffee Project is briefly des- 
cribed, as well as the RADAM Project. Plans for the use of other 
sensors are also included and a resume of what numerous countries 
in the world are doing with regard to Remote Sensing in one more 
chapter of this paper. Conclusions and suggestions constitute the

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